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Do not accept from a friend what you are not willing to give in return. True friendship involves the giving of both parties...

Do we really understand how friendships work? And what do you do when what seems like a lifelong friendship suddenly fails? You feel hurt, betrayed, abandoned, and unappreciated. But could there be a better way to bring a failed friendship to closure -

see if you can spot this friendship in your relationships. are you around people who build-up or pull you down? -your true friends-

Do you have envious friends?

Do you gossip about your friends?

Are you sabotaging your friendships?

What bad behaviors? Do you see-

Do you have "friends" who act like their your, enemies?

We are talking about a, deep powerful and real friendship. Gloria Naylor, the novelist, and educator said, "Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence; a time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny and a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over."

"friendship over"? As in any relationship, you and your friends will eventually face several setbacks in your friendship. But, there is Hope, here are some ways of holding onto the friendship bond. -Friendship Breakers- could be at times difficult... it's best to keep the friendship bond strong! When times are good. Do you know how to spot these breakers? you can survive the tests-

people skills

We each have our good days and bad. Do not judge or criticize a friend and expect them to conform to our perfect idea of who they should be.

The word friendship is tossed around quite loosely. Each friendship is unique and has its own characteristics. A recent Harvard, Stanford, and Carnegie Institute study found that 85% of our success in life is determined by our people skills; Discover today how to be the best you can be Good friends are hard to find. Lasting friendships are invaluable. It is said that if you can count your real friends, on the one hand, Accept your friend's flaws as he/she accepts yours. No human being is perfect. We all have our flaws. It is easy to recognize the flaws in others without realizing our own.

people skills