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This, then, is what I want: I want my son to be happy and safe. I want my wife's business to succeed beyond her wildest dreams. I want my upcoming book to become a bestseller; I want it to educate and entertain readers;

Writing and Speaking Article Category

The Incredible, Edible Subhead

by Ali Brown

Of course you're familiar with using *headlines* to call attention to Web copy, brochures, articles, or documents. But *subheads* can be just as effective in bringing out key points for your readers. And they also help make any document easier to read, because they break up long blocks of text into easy-to-digest bits. (Hence my "edible" title. Hmm.)

How to Follow up Your News Releases and Story Pitches

by Joan Stewart

Can you remember a story idea you pitched a year ago that resulted in no news coverage of any kind?

Turn Weak Speak into Power Talk

by Diane DiResta

Are you a victim of Weak Speak? Do your words betray you? If you ever wondered why your employees don’t follow your lead or why your ideas are never accepted, here’s a thought. You may be telling people that your ideas aren’t important. It’s not enough to have confident body language and a strong voice if your words are wimpy.

Annoy-Free Writing: Word Mix-Ups and Apostrophes

by Meryl K. Evans

I am going two give ewe some suggestions to improve you're writing and to insure you have happy readers. I no I am committing many mistakes. This proves that spellchecker should not be you're best friend. I did not misspell any words in this paragraph, but it is terribly annoying, know?

Ideas... Articles... Books... The Power Of Words

by Bill Parks

Ideas... The starting point of all achievement. Ideas can lead to new directions in your thinking, business, or life. Ideas can lead you to express your new ideas in written articles. Many times, these articles are the starting point for books. Even great books!...

Writing From Heartache Without Showing Blood

by Alice J. Wisler

Learn the eight tips of using written words as essential tools for healing the heartache.

How To Use Humor Successfully In Your Business Communications

by Suzan St Maur

For generations people have been saying that laughter is good medicine. And now the scientists have taken an interest it turns out great-grandma was right. The boffins have discovered that laughter releases helpful goodies in the body which boost your immune system. In fact the therapeutic benefits of laughter are now being harnessed by academia and the business community into laughter workshops and other formalized chuckle sessions. Get the workers laughing and you raise productivity, so it seems.

Learn the Four-Step Secret to a Perfect Manuscript

by Julie Hood

Use four simple steps to save time writing and editing.

Personality Traits of a Real Writer

by Julie Hood

How do personality traits affect a writer's success?

7 Tips On How To Locate Junior Editors for Your Children's Book

by Catherine Franz

Do you write children's books? Here are 7 ways you can find junior editors and test your almost final manuscipt.

A Checklist To See If How "Real" Is Your Info Product Idea?

by Catherine Franz

Marketing Master, Catherine Franz, gives you a 10-point checklist that you can check your idea against to see if its hot enough to run with.

Telling Your Story: The First Ten Seconds Are A Make Or Break

by Catherine Franz

The way you tell a story and introduce the various parts in your marketing materials, your web site, your ezine, or even verbally during a teleclass or workshop and make the all the difference in the first few seconds and words. Marketing Master and Writing Coach, Catherine Franz, shares tips and techniques on how you can make the biggest impact when sharing stories.

Promote Your Speaking and Coaching with Free Articles

by Judy Cullins

How much time do you spend promoting your business? Two hours out of six? One hour out of six? Maybe not even that much. Remember, it's free information that gets people to know who you are. It turns out it's not who you know, it's who knows you. Submitting your free articles online answers the call.

Defy the Myths, Get Your Book Written--Fast! - Part 2

by Judy Cullins

Why don't you write a book? Most people complain it takes too long. They are too busy. These are reasons, but they aren't real, they are myths. You can write a profitable book--even a lot of books--fast!

Promote your Coaching or Speaking Business Through eBooks

by Judy Cullins

In these uncertain times when we all would like to feel safe, and when we don't really want to travel so much for business, we need to look to the Online Marketing Machine of eBooks. Leverage your talks with an eBook. It's your best business card. Online business people want and need your information and they want it short and easy. Spend far less time and money with this simple tool.

Ten Top Reasons Authors Need a Web Site

by Judy Cullins

If you have your own Web site for your informational products, you will get to keep all of the money after expenses--always a great advantage, and you will be seen as a market leader in your field. Here's 10 reasons.

Defy the Myths, Get Your Book Written--Fast! - Part 1

by Judy Cullins

Why don't you write a book? Most people complain it takes too long. They are too busy. These are reasons, but they aren't real, they are myths. You can write a profitable book--even a lot of books--fast!

Why do Authors Need Portable Document Format?

by Judy Cullins

Transfer your Word files for your eBook to Portable Document Format to create a professional product, without a printer, middle man, packaging, and mailing. The author gets the profits and the customer is willing to print the chapters he needs.