Integrity, Inspire, Positively, 2020

Health and Wellness 2020

Health and Wellness 2020

Environmental -Influences BEHAVIORS

different types and levels of family influences and to describe their assumed interrelationships by developing a framework called Levels of Interacting Family Environmental Subsystems (LIFES). LIFES aims to organize the variety of different family environmental factors and environment—behavior pathways in youth. It helps to advance the research field as it supports researchers to derive specific hypotheses regarding underlying mechanisms of family environmental influences on individual’s behaviors

LIFES-based research might inform future interventions as it reveals processes that impede or support individual behavior change. It could also help to find answers for example regarding the question how the family environment should be integrated in intervention programs in order to increase sustained effects on children’s and adolescents’ EBRBs.

Family and EBRBs of Children

There is a large body of research showing the relevance of the family environment for children’s and adolescents’ EBRBs. Research into different forms of parental influences on children’s and adolescents’ behavior has shown that parents play an important role in the development of a healthy lifestyle [17,18]. Parents are “gate keepers” of healthful eating and engaging in physical activities

Mechanisms that have been studied include parenting practices such as modeling, monitoring, and encouragement [21,22,23,24,25,26] and more general concepts such as parenting styles or general parenting [27,28,29,30]. Overall, these studies reflect the important role of the parents in the development of a healthy lifestyle by children and adolescents.

The traditional approach to investigating family influences on children’s health or health-related behavior is unidirectional. Studies on parental influences often assign a passive role to children, seeing children mostly as recipients of parenting behaviors. However, recent studies also provide evidence that parenting behaviors occur in response to the child-level factors and children’s behavior. These studies showed that parent’s choices regarding food parenting are influenced by the child’s weight status and behaviors [31,32,33,34,35].

Mechanisms that have been studied include parenting practices such as modeling, monitoring, and encouragement [21,22,23,24,25,26] and more general concepts such as parenting styles or general parenting [27,28,29,30]. Overall, these studies reflect the important role of the parents in the development of a healthy lifestyle by children and adolescents.

The traditional approach to investigating family influences on children’s health or health-related behavior is unidirectional. Studies on parental influences often assign a passive role to children, seeing children mostly as recipients of parenting behaviors. However, recent studies also provide evidence that parenting behaviors occur in response to the child-level factors and children’s behavior. These studies showed that parent’s choices regarding food parenting are influenced by the child’s weight status and behaviors [31,32,33,34,35].

Family-Environmental BEHAVIORS-Influences


Too many children and adolescents make unhealthy food choices, are not sufficiently physically active and spend too much time in sedentary behaviors

Research has shown that these behaviors, referred to as energy balance-related behaviors (EBRBs) -Cognitive Determinants of Energy Balance-Related Behaviours-

, are associated with negative effects on health and well-being- Prospective study of diet quality and mental health in adolescents-

Energy-dense, low-fiber, high-fat dietary pattern is associated with increased fatness in childhood-

Prospective study of diet quality and mental health in adolescents- Energy-dense, low-fiber, high-fat dietary pattern is associated with increased fatness in childhood-

as they have been associated with weight gain and the development of overweight and obesity. Since unhealthy lifestyle habits often track into adulthood,

-physical activity from early childhood through youth into adulthood- it is important that healthy lifestyle habits are established at a young age.

It is well-known that individuals’ healthy lifestyles are determined by a multitude of influences, including individual as well as social and physical environment factors

The family is the basic social context where healthy or unhealthy behavior patterns develop and are maintained [12]. It serves as a reference point for the development of behavioral habits. Family life implies a large number of health-related cues, as daily family routines, such as family meals, choice and preparation of food and communication, are an inherent part of family life [12,13]. Furthermore, specific formal or informal rules may develop, which stimulate individuals’ eating or activity and inactivity patterns [12]. The family is an instance of control and organization which provides socio-emotional support [14], and internalized concepts of health and well-being, values, attitudes and self-perception of competences are formed within the family [15,16]. The majority of studies in the field of child EBRBs have focused on the influence of parents on their children. However, the family is more than interactions between parent and child. Family-level socialization dynamics (arising for example from family functioning, cohesion within the family, communication patterns between family members, shared values and attitudes) may affect the development of a healthy lifestyle beyond the impact of parenting behaviors.

Nature Nurture in Psychology | Simply Psychology

The nature versus nurture debate involves the extent to which particular aspects of behaviour are a product of either inherited (i.e., genetic) or acquired (i.e., learned) influences. Nature is what we think of as pre-wiring and is influenced by genetic inheritance and other biological factors.

Nature vs. Nurture: Genes or Environment?

In the past, debates over the relative contributions of nature versus nurture often took a very one-sided approach, with one side arguing that nature played the most important role and the other side suggesting that it was nurture that was the most significant. Today, most experts recognize that both factors play a critical role. 

Nature vs Nurture - The Debate Examined - Difference and ...

The nature versus nurture debate is about the relative influence of an individual's innate attributes as opposed to the experiences from the environment one is brought up in, in determining individual differences in physical and behavioral traits. The philosophy that humans acquire all or most of their behavioral traits from "nurture" is known as tabula rasa ("blank slate").



Healthy or unhealthy behavioral patterns develop and are maintained in a family context. The importance of the family environment for children’s and adolescents’ energy balance-related behaviors (EBRBs) has been shown previously. However, the way different family environmental factors are interrelated and interact with personal factors (e.g., motivation) are not well understood. Furthermore, the majority of studies have focused on the parent-child subsystem. However, there are family-level socialization dynamics that affect the development of a healthy lifestyle beyond the impact of parenting behaviors. The current paper aims to synthesize theoretical and empirical literature on different types of family influences. The Levels of Interacting Family Environmental Subsystems (LIFES) framework incorporates family influences on three levels (immediate, proximal, distal) and of three subsystems (individual, parent-child, family), relates them to each other and postulates potential paths of influence on children’s EBRBs. Several studies examining specific sections of the framework provide empirical support for LIFES’ propositions. Future studies should place their research in the context of the interrelationship of different family environmental influences. A better understanding of the interrelated influences would enhance the understanding of the development and maintenance of overweight and obesity among children and is crucial for the development of effective interventions.

Keywords: health behavior; physical activity; eating behavior; sedentary behavior; family environment; family systems; parents; parental behavior

Perspective Conceptualizing Family Influences on Children’s Energy Balance-Related Behaviors: Levels of Interacting Family - Environmental Subsystems (The LIFES Framework)

In a social context, trust has several connotations. Definitions of trust typically refer to a situation characterized by the following aspects: one party (trustor) is willing to rely on the actions of another party (trustee); the situation is directed to the future. In addition, the trustor abandons control over the actions performed by the trustee. As a consequence, the trustor is uncertain about the outcome of the other's actions; they can only develop and evaluate expectations. The uncertainty involves the risk of failure or harm to the trustor if the trustee will not behave as desired.